Birmingham Landlords, we are now extending our rental property portfolio to encompass your investment homes under our “MANAGED LETS” service.
As an investment property owner, you will know that it isn’ all plain sailing. We strive to make the letting of your house or rental of your apartment as easy and stress-free as possible.
The basic functions for our Fully Managed Letting Service are to assist you in creating the right type of lease and legal documents, advertise and source suitable tenants for the home you wish to rent out.
As part of this service you will receive;
Profession property appraisal and promotion.
Compliance checks on the property to ensure it meets rental regulation.
Accompanied viewings, saving you time.
Tenancy agreements and references arranged
Collecting of initial rent and register the deposit in accordance with current government guidelines.
Utility provider updates upon account changes
Periodic inspections.
Inventories and repair records
You do not have to take up a fully managed service.
We are here to assist you, so, by all means, build a package you need and get in touch for a quote.
We look forward to easing your day.
Now offering Guaranteed Rent!
That’s right! What more could you want?
As well as carrying out all of the management services listed above and tailoring a bespoke management package to suit your needs, we can also offer you a guaranteed rent service.
We will find suitable tenants for the property, and you will be guaranteed a monthly rent amount every month! A stress-free and income proof way to let our your property or properties.
Contact us now to find out more about our services and what we can offer you, whether you have one property or a portfolio of properties.